The Data
We are currently in the process of collecting the following variables for each people power movement. Upon completion, we’ll post the data here free to download. We are also writing detailed, footnoted narratives about each uprising explaining why we coded each variable as we did, which will also be available here.
start_date: date of first major protest
end_date: date of last major protest and/or date dictator was toppled
peak_partic: number of people in the campaign on its peak day
peak_percent: peak participation as percent of country’s total population
success: was the dictator toppled?
leader_exit: If the campaign succeeded, how did the leader leave office (unilaterally resigned/fled, negotiated exit, assassination, military coup, or civilian removal)
fail_type: If the campaign failed, how did it do so? (protests stopped, escalated into civil war)
Security Forces
deploy_police: Was the police ever deployed near protesters?
deploy_milpolice: Was the militarized police ever deployed near protesters?
deploy_military: Was the military ever deployed near protesters?
deploy_militia: Was the militia ever deployed near protesters?
repress_police: Did the police ever repress protesters? (no, low, medium, high, extreme)
repress_milpolice: Did the militarized police ever repress protesters? (no, low, medium, high, extreme)
repress_military: Did the military ever repress protesters? (no, low, medium, high, extreme)
repress_militia: Did the militia ever repress protesters? (no, low, medium, high, extreme)
defect_high_police: Did the leadership of the police ever defect? (no, partially, fully)
defect_high_milpolice: Did the leadership of the militarized police ever defect? (no, partially, fully)
defect_high_military: Did the leadership of the military ever defect? (no, partially, fully)
defect_high_militia: Did the leadership of the militia ever defect? (no, partially, fully)
defect_low_police: How often did the lower ranks of the police defect? (never, limited, widespread)
defect_low_milpolice: How often did the lower ranks of the militarized police defect? (never, limited, widespread)
defect_low_military: How often did the lower ranks of the military defect? (never, limited, widespread)
defect_low_militia: How often did the lower ranks of the militia defect? (never, limited, widespread)
rebel: Did any security force ever form or join a rebel army to fight against the regime?
coup: Did any security force ever attempt or succeed in removing the dictator themselves?
Protester Violence and Property Destruction
vio_sim: Was there a group separate from the protest movement that was simultaneously attacking the government?
unarmed_vio: Did any part of the protest movement ever use unarmed violence? (never, limited, widespread)
armed_vio: Did any part of the protest movement ever use armed violence? (never, limited, widespread)
armed_vio_location: Was armed violence used mostly in center stage, or mostly on the fringes and out of the limelight?
prot_vio_start: Did the protesters initiate violence, or did the regime repress them first?
prot_vio_police: Did protesters ever use violence towards the police? (never, limited, widespread)
prot_vio_police_kill: Did protesters kill any members of the police?
prot_vio_milpolice: Did protesters ever use violence towards the militarized police? (never, limited, widespread)
prot_vio_milpolice_kill: Did protesters kill any members of the militarized police?
prot_vio_military: Did protesters ever use violence towards the military? (never, limited, widespread)
prot_vio_military_kill: Did protesters kill any members of the military?
prot_vio_militia: Did protesters ever use violence towards the militia? (never, limited, widespread)
prot_vio_militia_kill: Did protesters kill any members of the militia?
prop_police: Did protesters attack the property of the police? (never, limited, widespread)
prop_milpolice: Did protesters attack the property of the militarized police? (never, limited, widespread)
prop_military: Did protesters attack the property of the military? (never, limited, widespread)
prop_militia: Did protesters attack the property of the militia? (never, limited, widespread)
prop_pub: Did protesters attack other public property? (never, limited, widespread)
prop_priv: Did protesters attack private property? (never, limited, widespread)
Protester Fraternization and Composition
frat_police: Did protesters fraternize with the police? (never, limited, widespread)
frat_milpolice: Did protesters fraternize with the militarized police? (never, limited, widespread)
frat_military: Did protesters fraternize with the military? (never, limited, widespread)
frat_militia: Did protesters fraternize with the militia? (never, limited, widespread)
composition: Did the protesters generally come from the same or different ethnic/religious groups as the regime’s security forces?
women: Were women ever on the frontlines of the protests, engaging with the security forces?
elderly: Were the elderly ever on the frontlines of the protests, engaging with the security forces?
children: Were children ever on the frontlines of the protests, engaging with the security forces?
judges: Were judges/lawyers ever on the frontlines of the protests, engaging with the security forces?
religious: Were religious leaders ever on the frontlines of the protests, engaging with the security forces?
Protester Organization and Tactics
leader: Were the protesters united behind a single leader during peak participation?
organization: Were the protesters united into a single organization during peak participation?
nationwide: Were protests occurring across the country, or were they primarily in the capital or in a peripheral region?
center: Were most protesters concentrated in one central focal point, or were they equally dispersed across multiple sites?
relig_inst: Did the campaign leverage religious institutions such as churches or mosques to mobilize protests?
social_media: Did protesters organize in part through social media?
music: Did protesters leverage music in their campaign?
graffiti: Did protesters employ graffiti and street murals in their campaign?
cleaned: Did protesters clean up after themselves?
festive: How often did journalists describe the atmosphere of the protests as festive and fun, as opposed to tense, fearful, or angry?
strike: Did the campaign ever coordinate workers to go on strike?
overnight: Did the campaign engage in overnight sit-ins or construct tent-cities?
roadblock: Were protesters blocking roads or disrupting traffic for extended periods of time?
suicide: Did protesters engage in self-immolations or other forms of self-harm?
Regime Responses
concession_political: Did the dictator make any political concessions?
concession_material: Did the dictator make any material concessions?
counterprotest: Did the dictator ever organize protests in support of the regime?
negotiate: Did the regime ever sit down to negotiate with the protest movement?
defect_civ: How often did civilian governmental officials defect? (never, limited, widespread)
International Responses
prot_US: Did the United States ever support the protests? (no, rhetorically, materially, militarily)
regime_US: Did the United States ever support the regime? (no, rhetorically, materially, militarily)
prot_foreign: Did other countries or international institutions ever support the protests? (no, rhetorically, materially, militarily)
regime_foreign: Did other countries or international institutions ever support the regime? (no, rhetorically, materially, militarily)
diaspora: Were there protests abroad among the diaspora?